Solar For All brings plans of sustainable energy to Rockford

Solar For All brings plans of sustainable energy to Rockford

“I think it’s a very positive thing that’s going to happen in the community, we just have to make sure we educate everyone the right way,” said Ald. Ann Thompson-Kelly (D-7th).

Partnering with Trajectory Energy, Rockford Solar is working on the latest move in bringing sustainable energy to the Forest City, with Solar-For-All.

“I think it’s a wonderful thing. You know, this, along with other solar farms that we have in the city of Rockford, there’s probably four others that were awarded community solars. So, it’s really, more closely aligned with the community and the residents and so, we’re certainly excited,” said Mark Williams, Economic Development Manager for the City of Rockford.

Chosen as the first development under the state-run program, the new panels will lay in the seventh ward, where the former Horsman Quarry used to be.

“It could mean a great deal, it will have a wonderful impact and I’m more excited about the impact it’s going to have on our seniors, who have fixed income. I’m excited about the fact that if the seniors want to advance into a part-time job, or they want to expand their knowledge on something that the opportunity is there for them,” said Ald. Thompson-Kelly.

This new plan is expected to provide more employment opportunities and could keep more money in our pockets with potential savings on energy bills.

“Solar’s going to make their money, but the impact it is going to have on the residents of the community, the cost savings is going to come down to them,” said Ald. Thompson-Kelly.

A public meeting is scheduled for December 12th, giving residents the chance to learn more about the program and the opportunities that are available.

Source: WIFR

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