Our Team

Jessica Wagner

Jessica Wagner

Community Engagement Analyst

Jessica lives in her hometown of Metamora, Illinois with her three children. She supports clean energy, environmental protections, and conservation for her home state and beyond. An avid hiker and nature lover, she works to educate her children and others on the importance of preservation and stewardship.

Following her passion for a sustainable future for her and her family, she went to Paonia, CO and attended Solar Energy International to earn her Solar Professional Certification and NABCEP associates. Her mother stayed with her children while she camped in the wilderness of Colorado to be able to attend school and support her family at home. She studied at Illinois Central College and graduated the very first class of the Illinois Solar for All Bootcamp at ICC. Getting her start in solar with Trajectory Energy Partners as an intern working in Environmental Justice and Low Income programs, she worked congruently with a local electrical contractor installing residential solar systems and other commercial and residential electrical jobs.

Now a full time employee with Trajectory she specializes in bringing benefits to the state’s public school system while keeping with her own values and helping educate the future generations on the subject.

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