Solar Programs

Trajectory develops solar projects of all different sizes, in a variety of settings, and navigates state and federal solar programs to deliver the most benefit for landowners and local communities.

Community Solar

Community solar allows residents, non-profits, communities, and public sector entities that can’t install solar on their roofs or property to access solar energy. By participating in a community solar project, subscribers can receive community solar credits on their utility bill for the energy produced by their share of the solar installation.

Click here to check out one of our many community solar projects, Meadow Solar.

Community Solar for Schools

Trajectory works with schools and school districts to develop community solar projects on land they own, generating rent income for the school district, savings on utility bills for the school and its community, new property tax payments for the community, quiet and clean energy that protects the land, air, and water, and educational opportunities for students.

In Illinois, the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act provides a limited number of first-come, first-serve incentives for public schools and school districts to develop solar projects.

If you think your school could be a good fit, let our team know. Our team will evaluate the property and reach out to discuss things further.

Click here to check out one of our current solar for schools projects in development, Jubilee Solar.

Low-Income Community Solar

If you meet certain income requirements, you may be eligible for significant discounts on community solar projects.

In Illinois, the Solar for All program includes residents that earn 80% or less of the median income in their area. You can check your eligibility and contact a Program Administrator here.

Click here to read about one of our Illinois Solar for All projects, Rockford Solar.

Utility-Scale Solar Projects

As fossil fuel electricity plants are transitioned out, utility-scale solar is delivering reliable clean energy to the electric grid and delivering benefits to communities at the same time. 

These larger projects typically have a capacity greater than 5MW and are what you might think of when you hear “solar farm.” Utility-scale solar has been generating reliable, clean electricity for decades. These types of projects provide the benefit of fixed-priced electricity during peak demand periods when electricity from fossil fuels is the most expensive.

These projects typically require extensive community engagement and coordination with multiple landowners.

Click here to read about one of the utility-scale projects developed by Trajectory, Bunker Solar.

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